Village Road Network CodeChef Solution

Village Road Network CodeChef Solution

In this post, the Village Road Network CodeChef Solution is given. Question details : October Challenge 2020 Division 2 > Village Road Network.

Village Road Network CodeChef Solution

#define path_t vector<pair<node,i64>>
namespace mem{ //v2.0.4 => size: 14.17KiB
  #define MEM_IO
  #define MEM_MATH
  #define MEM_UTILS
  #define MEM_MODINT
  #define MEM_RANDOM
  #define MEM_STDVAL
  #define MEM_LOGGER
  #ifdef memset0
    #define MEM_FASTIO
  #ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
    #define MEM_INT128
  #define __integer_mapper(func)       
        func(unsigned int)             
        func(long long int)           
        func(unsigned long long int)   
  #define __float_mapper(func)         
        func(long double)
    namespace stdval{
  #ifdef MEM_STDVAL
      using i32=int;
      using i64=long long int;
      using u32=unsigned int;
      using u64=unsigned long long int;
      using f32=float;
      using f64=double;
      using f96=long double;
    #ifdef MEM_INT128
      using i128=__int128_t;
      using u128=__uint128_t;
    namespace utils{
  #ifdef MEM_UTILS
      using std::cin;
      using std::tie;
      using std::cout;
      using std::cerr;
      using std::endl;
      using std::swap;
      using std::sort;
      using std::unique;
      using std::reverse;
      using std::shuffle;
      using std::function;
      using std::make_pair;
      using std::make_tuple;
      using std::lower_bound;
      using std::upper_bound;
      using std::max_element;
      using std::min_element;
    namespace random{
  #ifdef MEM_RANDOM
      const int LuckyNumber=20040726; 
      std::mt19937 rng(LuckyNumber^std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
      std::mt19937_64 rng64(LuckyNumber^std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
      template<class T> inline T rand(T l,T r){return std::uniform_int_distribution<T>(l,r)(rng);}
      template<class T> inline T rand64(T l,T r){return std::uniform_int_distribution<T>(l,r)(rng);}
    namespace modint{
  #ifdef MEM_MODINT
      template<const int mod> struct Z{
        int x;
        inline Z(){x=0;}
        inline Z(int t){x=t;}
        inline void operator-=(Z a){(x-=a.x)<0&&(x+=mod);}
        inline void operator+=(Z a){(x+=a.x)>=mod&&(x-=mod);}
        inline void operator*=(Z a){x=(long long)x*a.x%mod;}
        friend inline Z operator*(Z a,Z b){return (long long)a.x*b.x%mod;}
        friend inline Z operator-(Z a,Z b){return ((a.x-=b.x)<0&&(a.x+=mod)),a;}
        friend inline Z operator+(Z a,Z b){return ((a.x+=b.x)>=mod&&(a.x-=mod)),a;}
      template<const int mod> inline Z<mod> finv(Z<mod> x){
        if(x.x<2)return x;
        return (mod-mod/x.x)*finv(mod%x.x);
      template<const int mod> inline Z<mod> fpow(Z<mod> a,int b){
        Z <mod> s=1;
        return s;
      template<const int mod> inline void init_inverse(int n,Z<mod> *inv){
        for(int i=2;i<n;i++)inv[i]=(mod-mod/i)*inv[mod%i];
      template<const int mod> inline void init_factorial(int n,Z<mod> *fac,Z<mod> *ifac){
        for(int i=1;i<n;i++)fac[i]=fac[i-1]*i,ifac[i]=ifac[i-1]*ifac[i];
    namespace io{
      template<const int mod> inline void read(modint::Z<mod> &x){read(x.x);}
      template<const int mod> inline void print(modint::Z<mod> x){print(x.x);}
    namespace math{
  #ifdef MEM_MATH
      using std::max;
      using std::min;
      template<class T> inline T abs(T x){return x<0?-x:x;}
      template<class T> inline T gcd(T n,T m){return m?gcd(m,n%m):n;}
      template<class T> inline T lcm(T n,T m){return n/gcd(n,m)*m;}
      template<const stdval::u64 p> struct FastDiv{
        stdval::u64 t,i;
        inline FastDiv():t(stdval::u64(-1)/p),i(mul_inv(p)){}
        inline bool divide(stdval::u64 n){return n*i<=t;}
        inline bool divide(stdval::i64 n){return stdval::u64(n<0?-n:n)*i<=t;}
        inline stdval::u64 mul_inv(stdval::u64 n){
          stdval::u64 x=n;
          for(int i=0;i<5;++i)x*=2-n*x;
          return x;
    #ifdef MEM_INT128
      template<const stdval::u64 b> struct FastMod{
        stdval::u64 m;
        inline FastMod():m(stdval::u64((stdval::u128(1)<<64)/b)){}
        inline stdval::u64 reduce(stdval::u64 a){
          stdval::u64 q=(stdval::u64)((stdval::u128(m)*a)>>64);
          stdval::u64 r=a-q*b;
          return r>=b?r-b:r;
    namespace container{
      using std::pair;
      using std::tuple;
      using std::set;
      using std::unordered_set;
      using std::map;
      using std::unordered_map;
      using std::tie;
      using std::make_pair;
      using std::make_tuple;
      template<class T> struct vector:std::vector<T>{
        using std::vector<T>::vector;
        vector(const std::vector<T> &plain):std::vector<T>(plain){}
        inline void sort(){std::sort(this->begin(),this->end());}
        inline void concat(const vector &rhs){this->insert(this->end(),rhs.begin(),rhs.end());}
        inline bool includes(const T &x) const{return std::find(this->begin(),this->end(),x)!=this->end();}
        template<class Function> inline void forEach(Function func){for(const auto &it:*this)func(it);}
        inline vector slice(int l,int r) const{
          if(l>r)return {};
          if(r<this->size())return vector(this->begin()+l,this->begin()+r);
          vector<int> rsp=(this->begin()+l,this->end());
          return rsp.resize(r-l),rsp;
        inline void from(const std::set<T> &src){
          auto it=this->begin();
          for(const T e:src)*it++=e;
        template<class R,class Function> inline vector<R> _map(Function func) const{
          vector <R> res(this->size());
          for(size_t i=0;i<this->size();i++)
          return res;
        template<class R> inline vector<R> map(R func(T)) const{return this->_map<R>(func);}
        template<class R> inline vector<R> map(const std::function<R(T)> &func) const{return this->_map<R>(func);}
      struct string:std::string{
        using std::string::string;
        string(const std::string &plain):std::string(plain){}
        template<class T> inline string join(const vector<T> &vet) const;
        vector<string> split(const string &dim) const{
          if(this->empty())return {};
          char *src=new char[this->length()+1];
          char *tar=new char[dim.length()+1]
          vector <string> rsp;
          for(char *pos=strtok(src,tar);pos;pos=strtok(nullptr,tar))
          delete[] src;
          delete[] tar;
          return rsp;
        template<class... Args> static inline string format(const char *fm,Args... args){
          int len=snprintf(nullptr,0,fm,args...);
          char *buf=new char[len+1];
          string str(buf);
          delete[] buf;
          return str;
        template<class... Args> static inline string format(const string &fm,Args... args){
          return format(fm.c_str(),args...);
    #define __to_string(T)                 
      inline string to_string(const T &x){
        return std::to_string(x);         
    #undef __to_string
      inline string to_string(const string &s){return s;}
      inline string to_string(const char *s){return string(s);}
      inline string to_string(const std::string &s){return string(s);}
      template<const int mod> inline string to_string(const mem::modint::Z<mod> &v){return std::to_string(v.x);}
      template<class T> inline string to_string(const vector<T> &ctn){return "["+string(",").join(ctn)+"]";}
      template<class T> inline string to_string(const set<T> &ctn){
        string result="{";
        bool flag=false;
        for(const auto &it:ctn){
        return result+"}";
      template<class T1,class T2> inline string to_string(const map<T1,T2> &ctn){
        string result="{";
        bool flag=false;
        for(const auto &it:ctn){
        return result+"}";
      template<class T> inline string string::join(const vector<T> &vet) const{
        if(!vet.size())return "";
        string res=to_string(vet[0]);
        for(size_t i=1;i<vet.size();i++){
        return res;
      inline string operator "" _s(const char *s){return string(s);}
      inline string operator "" _s(const char *s,size_t len){return string(s,len);}
      inline string operator "" _s(long double x){return to_string(x);}
      inline string operator "" _s(unsigned long long int x){return to_string(x);}
    namespace io{
  #ifdef MEM_IO
    #ifdef MEM_FASTIO
      namespace fastio{
        const int BUFFER=1<<18;
        char ibuf[BUFFER],*iS,*iT;
        inline int getc(){
            return iS==iT?EOF:*iS++;
            return *iS++;
        char obuf[BUFFER],*oS=obuf,*oT=oS+BUFFER-1;
        inline void flush(){
        inline void putc(int x){
        struct Flusher{~Flusher(){flush();}}flusher;
      using fastio::getc;
      using fastio::putc;
      inline int getc(){return getchar();}
      inline void putc(int c){putchar(c);}
      template<class T> inline void readDigit(T &x){
      inline int readDigit(){
        int x;
        return x;
      template<class T> inline void readAlpha(T &x){
      inline int readAlpha(){
        int x;
        return x;
    #define __read(T)                             
        inline void read(T &x) {                 
          x=0; bool f=0; char c=getc();           
    #undef __read
      inline void read(char &x){x=getc();}
      inline void read(char *s){
        char c=getc();
      inline void read(container::string &s){
        char c=getc();
      template<class T=int> inline T read(){
        T x;
        return x;
      template<class T,class... Args> inline void read(T &x,Args &... args){
    #define __print(T)           
        inline void print(T x){ 
    #undef __print
      inline void print(char x){putc(x);}
      inline void print(const char *s){
        int len=strlen(s);
        for(int i=0;i<len;i++)putc(s[i]);
      inline void print(const container::string &s){
        for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)putc(s[i]);
      template<class T,class... Args> inline void print(const T &x,Args... args){
      template<class... Args> inline void println(Args... args){
      template<class... Args> inline void printfm(const char *formatter,Args... arguments){
      template<class... Args> inline void printfm(const container::string &formatter,Args... arguments){
    namespace logger{
  #ifdef MEM_LOGGER
      enum ConsoleColor{
      template<const ConsoleColor color=NOPE,class... Args> inline void log(const char *formatter,Args... args){
      template<const ConsoleColor color=NOPE,class... Args> inline void logln(const char *formatter,Args... args){
      template<class T> inline void logs(const T &x){
      template<class T,class... Args> inline void logs(const T &x,Args... args){
      template<class... Args> inline void logsln(Args... args){
  #undef __integer_mapper
  #undef __float_mapper
  #undef __string_mapper
  #undef __string_join_mapper
    using namespace io;
    using namespace math;
    using namespace utils;
    using namespace modint;
    using namespace random;
    using namespace stdval;
    using namespace logger;
    using namespace container;
using namespace mem::io;
using namespace mem::math;
using namespace mem::utils;
using namespace mem::stdval;
using namespace mem::logger;
using namespace mem::container;
int T;
struct node{
  i64 x,y;
  inline bool operator<(const node &rhs)const{
    return abs(x)+abs(y)<abs(rhs.x)+abs(rhs.y);
  inline bool operator==(const node &rhs)const{
    return x==rhs.x&&y==rhs.y;
  inline pair<node,i64> jump(int fl=0){
    i64 x=abs(this->x),y=this->y,dta,stp;
      return {{this->x>0?x:-x,y},stp};
    }else if(y>(x<<1)){
      return {{this->x,y},stp};
      return {{(this->x>0)^(stp&1)?x:-x,y},stp};
  path_t path();
path_t node::path(){
  path_t p;
  node u=*this;
    auto rsp=u.jump();
  return p;
i64 length(const path_t &p){
  i64 rsp=0;
  for(const auto &it:p)rsp+=it.second;
  return rsp;
node lca(const path_t &a,const path_t &b){
  int i=1;
  if(i>a.size()||i>b.size())return a[a.size()+1-i].first;
  auto x=a[a.size()-i],y=b[b.size()-i],z=a[a.size()+1-i];
  node xx=x.first.jump(1).first;
  node yy=y.first.jump(1).first;
    return x.second<y.second?x.first:y.first;
    return z.first;
void out(const path_t &a){
  for(const auto &it:a)log<BLUE>("(%d,%d,%d) ",it.first.x,it.first.y,it.second);
int main(){
#ifdef memset0
  for(int cas=1;cas<=T;cas++){
    node a,b;
    path_t pa=a.path();
    path_t pb=b.path();
      node c=lca(pa,pb);

Village Road Network CodeChef Solution is contributed by memset0. If you like TheCode11, then do follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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