Fundamentals of Information Security

Fundamentals of Information Security

In this tutorial you are going to learn about Fundamentals of Information Security.


Technology has covered almost all facets of today’s world and its important for us to know the fundamentals of Information security. We are engaged digitally, from smart phones at home to meet all our daily needs, to make online money transfer, to order goods, everything is just a click away.

Technology has covered almost all facets of today’s world and its important for us to know the fundamentals of Information security. We are engaged digitally, from smart phones at home to meet all our daily needs, to make online money transfer, to order goods, everything is just a click away. Typically the workplace involves dealing with connecting to the internet servers. All online transactions involve accessing the internet. Hence, it becomes important that everyone is aware of the risks involved in using the digital data and its protection.

Today’s Digital World

We use desktops, laptops, smart phones, etc. to access the online applications or software. These applications are highly interconnected and so their ease of access makes them vulnerable.

Using the same phone, a user can update his status on a social media website. He can transfer money the next moment. Also he can use details from government database to access his personal identification. To all its top, he might use same email account for registering in social media, banking and other various sites. So, having a weak password is a temptation for hackers.

By hacking the email, they might be able to gain access to all other linked applications Also, a spam mail can be sent through this account to lure a user to disclose confidential information that might help the attacker to intrude into his/her banking applications. It means that a vulnerable email account can make other application vulnerable.


Security is quality or state of being secure. Cyber Security is the protection of internet connected systems, including hardware, software and data from cyber attack.

The CIA Triad

CIA stands for Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. Confidentiality – restrict access to authorized individuals. Integrity – data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner. Availability – Information can be accessed and modified by authorized individuals. It should be done in an appropriate time-frame. The thumb rule CIA triad says Protect – Confidentiality, Preserve – Integrity and Promote – Availability.

This article on Fundamentals of Information Security is contributed by Rajnish Kumar. If you like TheCode11, then do follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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